[INTERESTING!] EMU Introduces a New Tuition Fee Payment Method

To ease students’ tuition fee payment process, Eastern Mediterranean University has introduced a new application. In line with an agreement settled with Coop Central Bank and Turkish İş Bank, students will be given the option to pay tuition fees via Virtual POS.

Through the new application, students will be able to submit their tuition fee payments with their existing credit cards via Eastern Mediterranean University’s epay.emu.edu.tr page.

The said application has been made available for the newly registered students who are nationals of third countries other than the TRNC and Turkish Republic as of March. Through the new application, the university aims to overcome problems and difficulties encountered in international money transfers to the TRNC.

Eastern Mediterranean University Computer Center is currently working on the finalisation of the system enabling the students use Virtual POS in tuition fee payments. The said application will be offered to all students of EMU as of the 2016 and 2017 Academic Year.

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