EMU Students Complains About Change In Computer Lab Working Hours

It was a shock on Sunday evening when I found the EMU general computer lab (also known as BIM LAB) closed. This was rare but not abnormal to me (so I thought) because as an ardent patron of the lab I knew such event have occurred in the past when some upgrade were being done.
However, as I was turning to leave, a notice/announcement on the door caught my attention(see picture), honestly I thought I was dreaming. That's not fair, I immediately thought to myself. If this had happened last semester, I would have been really devastated but not now because now, I have my own PC. However, I immediately thought of all those who relied heavily on the lab just like I used to last semester. What will they do?
This will negatively affect their EMU experience. I must do sometime, I said to myself at once. So the next day, (that's Monday, toady is Tuesday) I went to the computer lab information desk which is directly opposite the main entrance to obtain more information about the sudden and really drastic change. I was told that this "test-decision" was made because some student disregard the lab rule...
...eating and drinking in the lab, stealing items of the lab and other students, disrespecting the lab assistants, messing up the toilets, using the lab for more for social purposes than educational purposes...
and so on the list continues. I argued that such punishment for the sin of a few students should not be placed on all the student. I also argued that the reason for this change was not even mentioned on the notice, how do they expect a change. It is useless to punish someone for the crime they are not aware of. This will only cause bitterness and not repentance.
9:00am - 4:30pm.... and no weekends... most students are in their classes during these time. Many students who uses the lab do so after class hours not during class hours and also over the weekend. This change took away the time when the lab is most valuable to students.
Also all those online quizz; what would I had done without the EMU BIM LAB when I had all those online quizz. They were all in the evening and I did not have a PC then. I have one now but what will other like do as a result of this new change.
Finally, it was decided that it will remain like that until they see
1. a significant number of students meeting the various school authorities including the computer lab authorities asking for a change to normal working hours.
2. An improvement of the students' behaviour and altitude in the computer lab.
So the decision is a temporary one but that is only if more student starts demanding for a change. So I have contributed my quota by going to get the information and then writing to inform you. Do sometime this EMU students that is if you want a change. Go and start meeting the authorities NOW...TODAY...
Love you all...
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