Turkish Cypriots See Settlers As Biggest Obstacle For Cyprus Solution

THE 'Turkish Cypriot Democracy Association' based in London has said it "sees as one of the biggest obstacles in front of a lasting peace in Cyprus the accumulation of population from Turkey in the north part of Cyprus, as a result of the continuing status quo."

The association was established in 1972 in the UK by "progressive, democratic and patriotic” Turkish Cypriots living in Britain.

In recent years the overwhelming presence of about 160,000 settlers has created social and economic conditions leading to the flight of many native Turkish Cypriots to Western Europe and Australia.

In a decision at its general assembly it said: "The policies of transfer of population which are being implemented in many variations are on the one hand negatively influencing the lasting solution to the Cyprus problem and on the other are eliminating the will of the Turkish Cypriot community by turning it into a minority in its own country."

"The sovereign powers, which on the one hand say that ‘we want peace in Cyprus’ and on the other threaten the communal existence of the Turkish Cypriots by imposing on them assimilation policies, and are de facto colonizing 37% of Cyprus’ territory, must understand that they cannot carry out together two understandings, policies in Cyprus which are completely opposite to each other”.

Many settlers live illegally in houses abandoned by Greek Cypriot refugees that were forced to flee during the 1974 Turkish invasion.

Mainland Turks that arrived on the island over the past 40-years now outnumber native Turkish Cypriots.

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