Within the framework of EMU 17th Orientation Days activities, cultural tours for new students and their families were arranged.
The first activity aiming to give student information about their surroundings was a Campus Tour which took place on the 10th of October 2014. During the tour, new students were taken to administrative units as well as Social Activities Directorate, Health Center, Psychological Counseling, Guidance and Research Center, Lala Mustafa Paşa Sports Center, Library, and Student Services Unit. At the end of the tour, students expressed their fascination with EMU.
Following the campus tour, a Famagusta tour during which students were taken to Namık Kemal Square, Lala Mustafa Paşa Mosque, Othello Castle and Old City took place.
Additional tours to Nicosia, Kyrenia and Karpaz regions were also organised on 11 October 2014. During the Nicosia tour, students visited Selimiye Mosque, the Great Inn, Bandabulya Market, Yiğitler Burcu and Ledra Palace. Following their visit to Nicosia, students visited Kyrenia Harbour, Kyrenia Castle and Bellapais Monastery in Kyrenia. On 12 October 2014, students took a tour to Karpaz region and had a chance to explore Dipkarpaz village and Apostolos Andreas Monastery. The aforesaid tours took place with the participation of around 1,000 new students who expressed their fascination with EMU and the TRNC.
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