Important findings have recently been announced by the Laboratory of Developmental and Cell Biology of the Department of Biological Sciences of the University of Cyprus.
According to a relevant announcement, Dr Neophytos Christodoulou´s work shed light on the cellular mechanism responsible for Vertebrate Neural Tube Closure (NTC), a process responsible for the formation of the central nervous system.
These findings were published in the prestigious journal Cell Reports.
The team using high resolution microscopy combined with molecular biosensors showed that Apical Constriction the morphogenetic movement responsible for Neural Tube Closure, is driven by cell autonomous and asynchronous pulsed contractions of an apical actin network.
These contractions are driven by cell autonomous and asynchronous calcium flashes. Furthermore it was shown that the autonomy and asynchrony of contraction are necessary for proper tissue morphogenesis.
The significance of these findings stems from the fact that Neural Tube Defects are one of the most common human birth defects.
As a result, delineation of the mechanism driving Neural Tube Closure will contribute to a better understanding of human Neural Tube Defects, the announcement concludes.
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