EMU Pleased with 2015 Student Selection and Placement Exam Results; Talks About Increment In Tuition Fees.

According to 2015 Student Selection and Placement Exam results, a total of 2111 students have gained the right to register at EMU. When the number of placed students is considered, EMU has successfully attracted 67% of the set quota which was 3141 students.

EMU Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Osam stated that since the beginning of their service, they have worked towards a balanced budget which has positive financial values. In this respect, tuition fees in all programs have been increased between 10 % and 50 %. Prof. Dr. Osam also added that in line with the revisions introduced by the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), the university has decreased the student quotas of some programs. Prof. Dr. Osam finally stated that the figures achieved even despite of the aforesaid two factors are indicators of the university’s success.

Prof. Dr. Osam added that they are in the process of analysing the details of the incoming numbers of students and that their financial contributions to the budget will be further explained during the upcoming days.
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