Five Reasons Why You Should Stay ON CAMPUS!!!

I feel it is an obligation to educate students and aspirants on the need to stay on campus, especially for the first year....

1) CONCENTRATION: Why were you admitted, to study right?? Staying on campus gives you lots of chances to concentrate on your studies. There are lots of discussion groups to join, don't forget the tutorials too. Friends would call you to come and read at night in one of the lecture rooms

2) EASE OF TRANSPORT: Staying on campus would surely save you lots of money when boarding buses or cabs. And if you think you got the quid to spill, then you could get caught during RUSH HOUR, where big heavy guys would tear you into pieces when rushing for buses. Staying on campus makes you just have a stroll and enjoy the scenery!!!

3) SECURITY: This is very important!!!

4) PUNCTUALITY: when you stay on campus, you tend to be more serious, so you wake up, have a bath, dress up and stroll down to the lecture theaters, you may get a space in front. But if you stay off campus, you wake up, have a bath,dress up, wait for the bus for 30mins, the bus may not come or even still be filled up, may even tear your new Thomas pink shirt.... lol!!!

5) COMPANIONSHIP: Its always fun staying with your peers, campus hostels can never be a dull place, its like a mini village!!! There are comedians, touts, clowns, in fact no dull moments!!! friends may even organize shows, end of session dinners, etc and it tends to be free.....

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