Categories Of People Who Can Never Carry "CHEAT" In The Universities.

Inasmuch as there are various type of people who indulge in exam mal-practise(expo), i can boldly say, also; there are also some type of people who will never engage in 'expo' no matter what, even if the earth falls. These are the people:


OH my gosh! This set of people are so scared to the bone, infact they don't even like answering their seat partners let alone for them to carry expo. When an invigilator looks at them, they always feel butterflies in their stomach. They are always scared of being caught.
~GUESS WHAT?!~ They are the 'butty' types, they are not intellectual mediocres (dem no b badoo, dem no b olodo)


These set of people are just too proud, they are the types that show themselves during lectures, they always bombardically answer and ask questions in class, they know them as the badoo's of the class. So, they'll rather exercise their ego, than for them to fall their hands by practising EXPO during exams.
~GUESS WHAT?!~ They are apparently brilliant but not perfectly brilliant, just that they are proud.


Hmmmmn, you saw this coming right?! These are the type of students who preach in class during before and after lectures, they always preach about ''Exam Mal-practise'' in the class and school campus fellowships. They don't indulge in EXPO, instead they'll rather fail and have C.O (carry over) based on their religious belief.


Yaaaaaaayi!!! This list will never be complete without this set of people. They don't need to carry expo because they are exceptionally intelligent. This people always finish before the time, they are 'bookaholic', they eat book,drink book,date book,party book.

~GUESS WHAT?!~ They are the reserved type, they don't talk too much. They are giftedly brilliant, lecturers know them. the last thing they'll ever do is to carry expo.

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